Thursday, 16 August 2007

Initial Thoughts

What is a weblog?
web-log /noun/ A website that displays in chronological order the postings by one or more individuals and usually has links to comments on specific postings.


It seems as though a weblog is a medium to express one's thoughts to an audience - the opposite to a diary. With that in mind, it seems the possibilities are endless... until you realise the impracticality of maintaining a vast collection of free thoughts covering a diverse range of topics. Even with advanced weblog software, it becomes impractical to maintain each topic area. Therefore, I will place some guidelines for what this weblog is to be. This weblog will cover the following topics:
  • Programming concepts (Assembly, C++, PHP)

  • Computer hardware/software

  • Gaming (mostly computer FPS)

  • Latest technology

Essentially, this will be a tech blog. If you are expecting something other than pure tech, you've come to the wrong weblog. With that in mind, let's move on. The title of this weblog is 'Coding Penguin'. You may be wondering why. There are several reasons:
  1. I have been informally nicknamed 'Penguin' by some of my friends.

  2. As this is to be a tech blog, it needed to sound like a tech blog. The keywords 'tech', 'coding', 'programming', and 'gaming', among others, come to mind.

  3. Most *penguin* (note * is a wildcard) variants have been taken, and in the end it was a decision between 'programmingpenguin' and 'codingpenguin'. The latter is easier to type, and so I decided to stick with it.

There, now that we've got all that out of the way, I can finally focus on the tech part of this blog...

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